O que são MD CODES ?2021-04-14T16:15:27-03:00

São Paulo MD Codes em São Paulo | Lifting Facial com MD Codes em São Paulo

O que é o preenchimento com MD CODES?

Quando o assunto é rejuvenescimento facial, o segmento de medicina estética não para de evoluir.

A novidade da vez é o MD Codes™, abreviação para Medical Codes (Códigos Médicos), um mapeamento da face por meio de pontos que entregam resultado superior nos tratamentos com preenchimento à base de ácido hialurônico , proporcionando uma aparência mais harmônica e jovial, sem perder a naturalidade.

MD codes tem lotado os consultórios de dermatologia e cirurgia plástica em São Paulo, com brasileiros e estrangeiros em busca dos poucos especialistas na nova tecnologia. 

O método é o resultado de um estudo iniciado há 20 anos, pelo cirurgião plástico brasileiro Dr. Maurício de Maio, que já divulgou a sua inovação em mais de 40 países, ensinando e impressionando mais de 5 mil médicos, ao redor do mundo,  pela precisão e qualidade do efeito alcançado.

“Nem sempre o paciente sabe o que realmente precisa e o nosso papel é fazer com que ele compreenda quais serão as prioridades no seu tratamento. O MD Codes™ facilita a comunicação entre o médico e seu paciente. Além disso, por meio desse sistema, conseguimos excelentes resultados com técnicas não cirúrgicas e minimamente invasivas, das quais o paciente pode se beneficiar sem que isso comprometa sua vida social ou profissional”. 

Muitos pacientes experimentam um resultado semelhante ao de uma cirurgia plástica. Sem o incomodo da internação, anestesia, pontos, recuperação e riscos cirúrgicos.

MD CODES custa caro!



A grande inovação do MD Codes™ é direcionar o médico a avaliar a face como um todo, permitindo que a causa do incômodo seja tratada. Muitas vezes, a origem de uma insatisfação reportada pelo paciente pode estar localizada em uma área diferente daquela que o desagrada. Por exemplo, se a intenção é suavizar o “bigode chinês”, a aplicação de ácido hialurônico pode ser feita na região das bochechas, pois, uma vez estruturada essa área, a ruga do chamado “bigode chinês” diminui.
A técnica é tratar longe da area que deseja “dar o lifting”.  

O primeiro livro MD CODES, hoje na sua 4a edição.

A técnica MD Codes

O preenchimento facial de ácido hialurônico é utilizado há muitos anos para suavizar rugas mais profundas e redefinir o contorno facial, perdido com o processo de envelhecimento. A nova técnica promove aplicação controlada, com entrega de resultados altamente diferenciados. A técnica MD Codes™ pode ser aplicada nas seguintes áreas: sobrancelhas, olheiras, linhas de marionete, bigode chinês, queixo, lábios, bochechas, pés de galinha e testa.

Para saber mais sobre a aplicação do MD Codes™, o ideal é procurar um médico de confiança, para que ele possa fazer uma avaliação facial e traçar um plano de tratamento exclusivo e que atenda suas expectativas de resultados.



Em média, a partir dos 30 anos, as mulheres relatam que a face começa a “escorrer” ou “cair”. De acordo com a médica, iniciar os MD codes nessa idade não apenas embeleza mas também rejuvenesce.

Importante lembrar que apenas médicos estão habilitados a realizar os códigos (MD codes significa MEDICAL DOCTOR codes – códigos médicos). A técnica inovadora consiste em uma forma diferente de usar produtos à base de ácido hialurônico. Cada produto tem uma técnica de aplicação dependendo do código (leque, pontos, bolus) e plano de aplicação (justaperiostal, subcutâneo ou dérmico).

Para o resultado esperado, é preciso que a técnica seja correta, assim como a indicação e a escolha do produto.


This was a 30-minute procedure with proper sterile technique. No anesthesia was performed because these products contain lidocaine. Observe how calm the patient was. Although this outcome was magical, be aware that results may vary according to the injector skill, products quality, and patient’s anatomy.
The Ck1 Top Model Look (TML) is a variant of the Ck1 injection. It is delivered with a cannula, linear technique along the zygomatic arch. It is injected at the fat pad level with a total of 0,5 ml to create a distinct zygomatic line usually found in top models. It is an additional lifting vector to treat sagginess, slim the face and to promote a triangular facial shape.
What is the traditional Ck1 injection?
Ck1 is the first point of the cheek, it is indicated when bone support is needed. The traditional Ck1 injection is at the bone level along the zygomatic arch and should be delivered in three separate points. The central point is exactly at the suture and the other 2 points are 5 mm apart anteriorly and posteriorly positioned. Needles are used and 0,1 ml should be injected per point. Aspiration is mandatory. This technique is indicated when bone support is required to promote a lifting effect and the three points are considered anchoring points for the cheek. Ck1 indirectly softens the tear trough and the nasolabial folds as well as provide a slimmer appearance of the face. As Ck1 is injected under the orbicularis oculi muscle, the HA filler acts as a mechanical barrier and the antagonist – frontalis muscle – lifts the eyebrow. This is the mechanical myomodulation principle.
After the Foundation codes are addressed, the Contour codes should be treated. These codes include the T codes (temples) in the upper face and the C (chin) and Jw (jawline) codes in the lower face. They are responsible for the facial shape and may lead to an impactful result.
The FCR approach stands for Foundation, Contour and Refinement.
By applying this approach, it’s possible to deliver surgical and natural results with injectables. We must keep in mind that patients usually ask for the treatment of refinements such as glabella lines and nasolabial folds. We should educate them about starting with foundation first.
After the Foundation codes are addressed, the Contour codes should be treated. These codes include the T codes (temples) in the upper face and the C (chin) and Jw (jawline) codes in the lower face. They are responsible for the facial shape and may lead to an impactful result.
The FCR approach stands for Foundation, Contour and Refinement. By applying this approach, it’s possible to deliver surgical and natural results with injectables. We must keep in mind that patients usually ask for the treatment of refinements such as glabella lines and nasolabial folds. We should educate them about starting with foundation first.
The FCR approach stands for Foundation, Contour and Refinement. By applying this approach, it’s possible to deliver surgical and natural results with injectables. We must keep in mind that patients usually ask for the treatment of refinements such as glabella lines and nasolabial folds. We should educate them about starting with foundation first.
The refinement codes can be divided in two other groups: The periorbital and perioral codes.
Periorbital codes:
The periorbital refinement codes include F (forehead) + Tt (tear through) + O (periorbital) + E (eyebrows).
These codes are next to the eye area and should only be addressed by experts.
The refinement codes can be divided in two other groups: The periorbital and perioral codes.
The perioral codes: Lp (lips) + NL (nasolabial fold) + M (marionette lines); These codes are the most requested by patients. They are important and need to be addressed, but only after the face is structured otherwise unnatural results may happen.
The FCR approach stands for Foundation, Contour and Refinement. By applying this approach, it’s possible to deliver surgical and natural results with injectables. We must keep in mind that patients usually ask for the treatment of refinements such as glabella lines and nasolabial folds. We should educate them about starting with foundation first.
The lower face consists of the MDCodes™ for chin, jawline, lips, nasolabial fold and marionette lines.
The chin and jawline codes are responsible for the facial shape and therefore are the contouring codes. The nasolabial fold, marionette lines and lips codes are refinement and should be addressed after the face is structured.
The face is divided didactically into the classical three thirds: upper, mid and lower.
The MD Codes™ are a helpful tool to deliver surgical results with injectables. Specific training should be undertaken to achieve this objective. The mid third provides the foundation for the face. The upper and lower thirds promote contour and shape.
The mid face consists of the MDCodes™ for cheeks, tear trough, periorbital and nose. The cheek codes are the mainly responsible for the lifting effect, volume restoration and foundation of the face. The tear trough, periorbital and nose codes are refinements and should be addressed only by experts.
The face is divided didactically into the classical three thirds: upper, mid and lower.
The MD Codes™ are a helpful tool to deliver surgical results with injectables. Specific training should be undertaken to achieve this objective. The mid third provides the foundation for the face. The upper and lower thirds promote contour and shape.
The face is divided didactically into the classical three thirds: upper, mid and lower.
The MD Codes™ are a helpful tool to deliver surgical results with injectables. Specific training should be undertaken to achieve this objective. The mid third provides the foundation for the face. The upper and lower thirds promote contour and shape.
The upper face consists of the MDCodes™ for the temples, forehead, eyebrow and glabella. These codes should be addressed only by experts because of the proximity to the eye area. Temples are usually neglected by most injectors and rarely noticed by patients. The treatment of this area helps to open the eye and lift the eyebrow.
The secret for injecting BOTOX in Asians is not only to remove lines, but also to make the Asian eye wider and bigger.
The objective of using BOTOX is to weaken the muscles responsible for eye contraction. The antagonist muscles will them become more dominant and the eye will open. This is the effect of chemical myomodulation.
It is important to avoid underdosing regardless the number of lines.
A total of 20U is desirable at the glabella area and 12U at the crow’s feet per side.
Temples are usually neglected by patients in aesthetic treatment. This area is related to tiredness, sadness and anger. The treatment of the temples may improve eyebrow position. By reducing the concavity, the 2-point temple reshape may also lead to a more feminine look.
“Does a beautiful lip in a face suffice?”
A holistic approach is advisable whenever doing an aesthetic treatment with injectable fillers.
Assessment of the lips should also consider the assessment of the whole lower face, especially the chin. A beautiful lip needs to be in proportion with the rest of the face to be harmonic.
Facial muscle contractions can be divided into three patterns: kinetic, hyperkinetic and hypertonic.
When a patient comes to the clinic looking for botox treatment it is important to assess which pattern the patient fits in. This will define the number of sessions needed for the treatment.
Hypertonic patients may need 3 to 4 sessions per year and even association with fillers.
Kinetic and hyperkinetic patterns may need less visits.
Each patient needs a unique treatment plan and we must educate them about it.

Dermatologistas MD CODES

O que é preenchimento com MD CODES? Especialista em São Paulo, Dermatologista e Cirugia Plástica